Kevin R. Stone, MD, Chairman of the Meniscus Transplantation Study Group (MTSG), invites you to attend the 2024 MTSG Meeting in-person or virtually at the annual AAOS Meeting in San Francisco, California.
San Francisco Marriott Marquis Hotel
San Francisco, CA
Room: Pacific C (Fourth Floor)
Thursday, February 15th, 2024
12:30-2:30 pm PST
The presentations at the annual meeting of the Meniscus Transplantation Study Group (MTSG) are a mixture of basic science and clinical evaluations. Topics have ranged from cellular behavior, biomechanics of meniscus cartilage, growth factors and DNA research, to animal and human studies using allograft meniscus cartilage and meniscus scaffolds.

Abstract Submission for MTSG 2024 is now closed
Abstract Guidelines:
No more than one page (8.5" x 11") in length
10pt Times New Roman font
Two columns
1.5" margins all around
Please be sure to clearly indicate the presenting author on your abstract
Abstract Submission:
Please upload your abstract below, or email researchteam@stoneresearch.org to submit an abstract.